
Scope of the workshop


Schedule and Abstracts


List of Speakers

Useful Links





• Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

• Centre de recherches mathématiques
• Ministère de la Recherche, France
(Action concertée incitative jeunes chercheurs)

Quantum Control:   
Mathematical and Numerical Challenges

October 6-11, 2002

Centre de recherches mathématiques,
Université de Montréal
Montréal (Québec), Canada

André Bandrauk (Canada Research Chair, Sherbrooke)
Michel Delfour (Montréal)
Claude Le Bris (ENPC, Paris)














This workshop will concentrate on advanced numerical methods and new mathematical tools for control and optimization in the quantum control of matter at the molecular level using current advanced laser technology.

This new field of research is dedicated to "using current state of the art laser technology to control and manipulate the quantum behaviour and motion of matter at the molecular level". The basis of this new science is the encoding and control of quantum information at the molecular level in order to control the time evolution of molecular processes, such as guiding the final output of a reaction to a desired target. Most of the research in this area has been numerical and theoretical, involving multidimentional time-dependent Schroedinger equations,TDSE's. Coupling these molecular processes to the laser field equations, Maxwell's equations, results in coupled parabolic (TDES's) and hyperbolic (Maxwell) partial differential equations. There are outstanding problems, both numerical and mathematical, which this workshop will address by bringing together mathematicans, theoretical chemists and physicists working in the area of control and optimization of systems subject to quantum laws.

The workshop will involve about 30 international experts in laser molecule interactions, optimization, theory and control of molecular dynamics. It will emphasize participation of graduate students in applied mathematics, theoretical chemistry and physics.

List of invited speakers

Molecular and
Electron Control

Quantum Control -
Mathematical Problems

Quantum Computing
Numerical Methods

Osman Atabek
André D. Bandrauk

(Canada Research Chair, Sherbrooke)
Thomas Brabec

(Canada Research Chair, Ottawa)
Paul Brumer
Regina de Vivie-Riedle

(MPI, Garching, Germany)
Ronnie Kosloff
(Hebrew University)
Robert Kosut (Sc Solutions, Inc.)
Hélène Lefebvre-Brion
Yukiyoshi Ohtsuki

(Tohoku, Japan)
Herschel Rabitz (Princeton)

Goong Chen
(Texas A & M)
Michel Delfour

Sanjoy K. Mitter

Anthony Peirce

Viswanath Ramakrishna

(Texas at Dallas)
Jean-Paul Zolésio

(CNRS and INRIA, France)
Enrique Zuazua

(Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

Mikhail Y. Ivanov
Serge Lacelle

Raymond Laflamme (Waterloo)
Daniel Lidar

Tucker Carrington
Michel Fortin

William Hager

Claude Le Bris

(ENPC, Paris, France)
Yvon Maday

(UPMC, Paris, France)
Marc Schoenauer
(INRIA, France)
Gabriel Turinici
(INRIA, France)

Useful Links


Information : QuantumC@CRM.UMontreal.CA

September 12, 2002