Description of workshop



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Revenue Management Workshop

Montréal 2003

May 15 - 16, 2003

Centre de recherches mathématiques
Université de Montréal
Montréal (Québec), Canada

Organizers: Patrice Marcotte (Université de Montréal), Gilles Savard (École Polytechnique - Montréal), Hugh Dunleavy (Air Canada), Jean-François Pagé (Air Canada)

Organized by

Description of workshop

Initiated in the airline industry, revenue management has made its way into fields as diverse as telecommunications, supply chains, car rentals, retail and leisure industry. In a two-day period, academics and practitioners will have the opportunity to share their perception of the past, present and future of revenue management. The workshop will include lectures by leading experts from both the academic world and the industry.


Chris K. ANDERSON (Western Ontario), Thanos AVRAMIDIS (Montréal), Peter BELOBABA (MIT and Concordia), Montgomery BLAIR (DTAG), Andy BOYD (PROS RM), Luce BROTCORNE (Valenciennes), Hugh DUNLEAVY (Lufthansa Systems), Laurie GARROW (Northwestern), Craig HOPPERSTADT (Hopperstad Consulting), Sheryl E. KIMES (Cornell University), Patrice MARCOTTE (Montréal), Jean-François PAGÉ (Air Canada), Georgia PERAKIS (MIT), Stefan POELT (Lufthansa), Gilles SAVARD (Polytechnique - Montréal), David SIMCHI-LEVI (MIT), Kalyan TALLURI (Pompeu Fabra), Garrett J. VAN RYZIN (Columbia), Lawrence R. WEATHERFORD (Wyoming), Vish VISWANATHAN (SABRE).

Useful links


February 25, 2003 - webmaster@CRM.UMontreal.CA