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Dr. Pavel Winternitz is enrolled as a
Correspondent Member to the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias

April 1st, 2003. - Dr. Pavel Winternitz, Professor at the Mathematics and Statistics Department and member of the Centre de Recherches Mathxmatiques at Université de Montréal, is internationally recognized for his distinguished career in the field of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics, distinguishing himself in the use of symmetry methods. He is considered as a top-rank expert in the applications of Group Theory.
Recently, Dr. Winternitz has centered his attention in the analysis of non-linear differential equations using methods of group theory to find analytical solutions. An example of these is his studies on the Toda equation, produced in collaboration with his colleague Decio Levi.
His prolific scientific production includes 246 articles and letters in prestigious reviewed magazines, 95 contributions to conference and school proceedings, as well as 17 co-authored or co-edited books.
On the main distinctions he has received we can highlight the Prize in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, awarded by the Canadian Association of Physicians (2002); the Prize in Theoretical Physics awarded by the International Institute for the Nuclear Research of Dubna, Russia (2001) and the Medal on First Degree of the Technical University of Prague (1998) and others.
Dr. Winternitz can be considered as a world citizen. He is a multilingual speaker, who has given lectures in several languages. Dr. Winternitz speaks Czech, English, French, Russian, German, and some Italian and Spanish.
Dr. Winternitz has contributed brilliantly in the development of high-level researchers. It is worth noting  his constant interaction with groups of Mexican researchers whose publications and research are of high merit, mainly with the Instituto de Física and the Centro de Ciencias Físicas of UNAM, as well as the Centro Internacional de Ciencias, in Cuernavaca.
