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CRM-2926Ashino, R., Desjardins, S. J., Heil, C., Nagase, M., Vaillancourt, R.Image restoration through microlocal analysis with smooth tight wavelet frames
CRM-2911Caberlin, M., Nigam, N., Qazi, S.Invariant manifolds in a model for the GABA receptor
CRM-2913Yermolayeva, O.On trigonometric analogue of Atiyah-Hitchin bracket
CRM-2914Hajji, A., Melkonian, S., Vaillancourt, R.Representation of differential operators in wavelets basis
CRM-2919Stern, R. J.On the state constrained minimal time function
CRM-2918Desgagné, A., Angers, J.-F.Computational aspect of the generalized exponential power density
CRM-2922Schlomiuk, D., Vulpe, N.Planar quadratic vector fields with invariant lines of at least five total multiplicity
CRM-2928Tavoularis, S., Sahrapour, A., Ahmed, N. U., Madrane, A., Vaillancourt, R.Towards optimal control of blood flow in artificial hearts
CRM-2934Ashino, R., Desjardins, S. J., Kolyshkin, A. A., Vaillancourt, R.Noise smoothing in the Fourier domain by a multi-directional diffusion
CRM-2925Francq, C., Roy, R., Zakoïan, J.-M.Goodness-of-fit tests for ARMA models with uncorrelated errors
CRM-2921Bertola, M.Free energy of the two-matrix model/dToda tau-function
CRM-2923aLi, J., Nekka, F.The Hausdorff measure functions: a new way to characterize fractal sets
CRM-2931Bertola, M.Second and third order observables of the two-matrix model
CRM-2937Ratnarajah, T., Vaillancourt, R.Correlated MIMO channel capacity
CRM-2938Ratnarajah, T., Vaillancourt, R., Alvo, M.Complex random matrices and applications
CRM-2986Hajji, A., Melkonian, S., Vaillancourt, R.Two-dimensional wavelet bases for partial differential operators and applications
CRM-2967Ashino, R., Nagase, M., Vaillancourt, R.Pseudodifferential operators in $L^p(\mathbb{R}^n)$ spaces
CRM-2978Harnad, J.Janossy densities, multimatrix spacing distributions and Fredholm resolvents
CRM-2927Ratnarajah, T., Vaillancourt, R., Alvo, M.Jacobians and hypergeometric functions in complex multivariate analysis
CRM-3124Fournier, R.Cases of equality for a class of bound-preserving operators over $P_n$
CRM-2908Harnad, J., Yermolayeva, O.Superintegrability, Lax matrices and separation of variables
CRM-2990Dorodnitsyn, V., Kozlov, R., Winternitz, P.Continuous symmetries of Lagrangians and exact solutions of discrete equations
CRM-2848Delfour, M. C., Zolésio, J.-P.Dynamical free boundary problem for an incompressible potential fluid flow in a time-varying domain
CRM-3018Frank, G., Hua, X., Vaillancourt, R.Fonctions méromorphes aux zéros et pôles communs
CRM-2980Morimoto, A., Ashino, R., Vaillancourt, R.Pre-processing design for multiwavelet filters using neural networks
CRM-2988Rodríguez, M. A., Winternitz, P.Lie symmetries and exact solutions of first-order difference schemes
CRM-2935Arminjon, P., Touma, R.A central, diamond-staggered dual cell, finite volume method for ideal magnetohydrodynamics
CRM-2985Ashino, R., Desjardins, S. J., Heil, C., Nagase, M., Vaillancourt, R.Pseudodifferential operators, microlocal analysis and image restoration
CRM-2915Rousseau, C.Modulus of orbital analytic classification for a family unfolding a saddle-node
CRM-2939Ashino, R., Morimoto, A., Nagase, M., Vaillancourt, R.Image compression with multiresolution singular value decomposition and other methods
CRM-3022Ratnarajah, T., Vaillancourt, R., Alvo, M.Eigenvalues and condition numbers of complex random matrices
CRM-2987Ashino, R., Morimoto, A., Nagase, M., Vaillancourt, R.Comparing multiresolution SVD with other methods for image compression
CRM-3012Kalnins, E. G., Thomova, Z., Winternitz, P.Subgroup type coordinates and the separation of variables in Hamilton-Jacobi and Schrödinger equations
CRM-2979Ratnarajah, T., Vaillancourt, R.Quadratic forms on complex random matrices and multiple-antenna systems
CRM-2929Dryanov, D., Fournier, R.A note on Bernstein and Markov type inequalities
CRM-2831Schlomiuk, D., Vulpe, N.Geometry of quadratic differential systems in the neighborhood of infinity
CRM-3123Dryanov, D., Fournier, R.On an improvement of Bernstein's polynomial inequalities
CRM-2924Bouhaddioui, C., Roy, R.On the distribution of the residual cross-correlations between two uncorrelated infinite order vector autoregressive series
CRM-2936Bouhaddioui, C., Roy, R.A generalized portmanteau test for independence of two infinite order vector autoregressive series
CRM-3247Kengne, E., Vaillancourt, R.Ginzburg-Landau system of complex modulation equations for distributed nonlinear dissipative transmission lines
CRM-2933Colin, F., Frigon, M.Systems of coupled Poisson equations with critical growth in unbounded domains
CRM-3122Dryanov, D., Fournier, R., Ruscheweyh, S.Some extensions of the Markov inequality for polynomials
CRM-2940Schlomiuk, D., Vulpe, N.Planar quadratic differential systems with invariant straight lines of total multiplicity 4

July 19, 2006