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CRM-3283Yagoub, H., Nguyen-Ba, T., Giordano, T., Vaillancourt, R.Convergence of the variable-step variable-order 3-stage Hermite–Birkhoff ODE/DDE solver of order 5 to 15
CRM-3287Dugas, C., Gadoury, D.Pointwise exact bootstrap distributions of cost curves
CRM-3284Dugas, C., Gadoury, D.Pointwise exact bootstrap distributions of ROC curves
CRM-3285Dugas, C., Chapados, N., Ducharme, R., Saint-Mleux, X., Vincent, P.Higher-order feature synthesis for insurance scoring models
CRM-3292Francq, C., Roy, R., Saidi, A.Asymptotic Properties of Weighted Least Squares Estimation in Weak PARMA Models
CRM-3289Labrecque-Synnott, F., Angers, J.-F.An extension of zero-modified models to the continuous case
CRM-3282Kengne, E., Vaillancourt, R.Modulational stability of solitary states in a lossy nonlinear electrical line
CRM-3288Assa, H., Morales, M.Risk measures on the space of infinite sequences
CRM-3294Schlomiuk, D., Vulpe, N.Global classification of the planar Lotka–Volterra differential systems according to the configurations of invariant straight lines
CRM-3301Cafaro, M., Tempesta, P.Finding frequent items in parallel

July 19, 2006