Thursday, April 4

8:30-9:15             Welcome Coffee

9:15-9:30             Opening

9:30-10:30           Klaus Fleischmann
                               Recent progress in catalytic branching (I)

10:30-11:00         Coffee

11:00-12:00          Luis Gorostiza
k-strong/weak transience and random walks on the hierarchical group

14:00-15:00          Anton Wakolbinger
Hierarchical mean field limits of one- and two-level branching systems: a review and a preview

15:00-15:30          Coffee

15:30-16:15           Henryk Zähle
Regularity of catalytic super Brownian motions

16:30-17:15          Peter Pfaffelhuber
Multitype branching processes on the lattice: infinite and large finite systems

Friday, April 5

9:30-10:30             Klaus Fleischmann
 Recent progress in catalytic branching (II)

10:30-11:00           Coffee

11:00 - 12:00         Michael Kouritzin
 Continuous and discrete space particle filters

14:00-15:00           Christian Penssel
Finite system scheme of catalytic interacting Feller diffusions on the lattice

15:00-15:30            Coffee

15:30-16:30           Hao Wang
                                 A class of interacting superprocesses with location-dependent branching

16:30-17:15           Matthias Birkner
Long time behavior of self-blocking immigration

Saturday, April 6 (Probability Day)

To take place at McGill University, Room 178, Bronfman Building, 1001 Sherbrooke St. W.

 9:30-10:30             Gérard Letac
                                 Representations du groupe symetrique et calcul des moments de la loi de Wishart

11:00-12:00            Miklos Csörgo
                                 Invariance Principles for Studentized Partial Sum Processes

14:00-15:00            Bruce K. Driver
                                 Analysis on loop groups

15:30-16:30            Bruno Remillard
                                 Central Limit Theorem for Martingales

Monday, April 8

9:30-10:30             Shui Feng
                                 Infinitely Many Neutral Alleles Model: Large Deviations and Quasi-Potential

10:30-11:00            Coffee

11:00 - 12:00          Ed Perkins
                                  Degenerate Stochastic Differential Equations with Hölder Continuous Coefficients and Super-Markov Chains

14:00-15:00            Iljana Zähle
                                 Functional Central Limit Theorem for Branching Random Walks

15:00-15:30            Coffee

15:30-16:15            Ted Cox
                                  Some new results for the stepping stone model

16:20-17:05            Jan Swart
                                  The trimmed tree of a super-Wright-Fisher Diffusion

17:10-17:55            Anja Sturm
On limits of branching particle systems in a spatially correlated random medium

Tuesday, April 9

9:30-10:30              Tom Kurtz
                                 Particle representations with moving levels

10:30-11:00            Coffee

11:00-12:00            Steve Krone
                                  Dealing with spatial and demographic structure in coalescent theory

14:00-15:00            Andreas Greven
                                  Multitype Population Models (I)

15:00-15:30            Coffee

15:30-16:15             Lars Kauffmann
The Galton-Watson tree size-biased according to total progeny

16:20-17:05             Dirk Metzler
A Poisson model for gapped local alignments

17:10-17:55             Steffen Grossmann
Large deviations for optimal local sequence alignments

Wednesday, April 10

9:30-10:30               Andreas Greven
                                  Multitype Population Models (II)

10:30-11:00              Coffee

11:00-12:00              Xiaowen Zhou
                                    Dualities between coalescing Brownian motions and between coalescing and annihilating Brownian motions

14:00-15:00             Jie Xiong
                                   Mass-time-space scaling of a super-Brownian catalyst reactant pair

15:00-15:30              Coffee

15:30-16:30              Anita Winter
                                   Representation theorems for historical interacting Fisher-Wright diffusions

16:35-17:20              Wenming Hong
Super-Brownian motion with Random Immigration