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Events at the CRM

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Scientific activities


Calendar of scientific activities

• Aug. 9-20, 2004Summer School: Stochastic Calculus for Applications: Theory and Numerics
• Nov. 8-11, 2004Andre-Aisenstadt Chair : Andrew J. Majda
• Nov. 14-17, 2004Workshop on Multiscale Rheological Models for Fluids
• Jan. 26-29, 2005Workshop on Front Propagation and Nonlinear Stochastic PDEs for Combustion and other Applications
• Mar. 2-4, 2005Workshop on Representing Unresolved Degrees of Freedom for the Atmosphere and Ocean
• Apr. 7-9, 2005Workshop on Extracting Macroscopic Information from Molecular Dynamics
• Apr. 28-30, 2005Workshop on Multiscale Modeling in Solids
• May 9-10, 2005Andre-Aisenstadt Chair : Thomas Y. Hou
• May 11-13, 2005Workshop on Integrative Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science, Fluids and Environmental Science
• June 1-5, 2005Workshop on Stochastic Modeling in Financial Mathematics (CRM-SAMSI)

Multidisciplinary and Industrial Program

• Jan. 18-19, 2005MITACS Biomedical Workshop
• Jan. 20, 2005Lancement de la coopération en aéronautique CRM-CRIAQ-MITACS
• Mar. 19-20, 2005Workshop on Computational Biology in the Post Genomic Era
• May 16-20, 2005Mini-courses: Spring School on Mini-invasive procedures in medicine and surgery: mathematical and computational challenges
• May 16-27, 2005Mini-Course and Workshop on Mini-invasive procedures in medicine and surgery: mathematical and computational challenges
• May 23-27, 2005Workshop on Mini-invasive procedures in medicine and surgery: mathematical and computational challenges

Short Thematic Program

• June 28 - July 15, 2004Short Program on Riemannian Geometry

National Program on Complex Data Structures (activities at the CRM)

• May 4-6, 2005Workshop on Latent Variable Models and Survey Data for Social and Health Sciences Research

General Program at CRM and external activities supported by CRM

• May 23 - June 4, 2004AMQ Math Camp 2004
• June 5-12, 2004CMS Math Camps and IMO Training Seminar 2004
• June 21 - July 2, 2004Morse Theoretic Methods in Non-linear Analysis and Symplectic Topology
• July 16-17, 2004Workshop on Economics of Communication Networks
• July 16-25, 2004Workshop on Stochastic Networks
• July 18-23, 20042004 Stochastic Networks Conference
• July 23-25, 2004Call Center Workshop
• Sept. 15 - Dec. 23, 2004Informal special semester on symplectic geometry and topology
• Oct. 2-6, 2004Workshop on Algebraic K-theory 2004
• May 6-8, 2005Canadian Mathematics Education Forum
• May 24, 2005Atelier sur les procédures SAS d'échantillonnage et d'analyse de données d'enquête
• May 24, 2005Analyse de données sur la santé recueillies à l'aide d'enquêtes à plans complexes
• May 24-27, 2005Quatrième Colloque francophone sur les sondages
• May 25-27, 2005Sessions régulières


• Aug. 9-20, 2004Summer School: Stochastic Calculus for Applications: Theory and Numerics

CRM Laboratories
• July 19, 2004Mini-workshop on computational aspects of dynamical systems
• Aug. 16-20, 2004Conference on fixed point theory and its applications in honour of Professor Andrzej Granas
• Feb. 26-27, 2005The Montreal Science Computing Days
• Mar. 31 - Apr. 2, 2005Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Functional Brain mapping
• Apr. 25, 2005Workshop on analysis and computation of lattice, delay and functional differential equations
• Apr. 29, 2005Analysis Day
• May 16-17, 2005Topics in 3-manifolds Workshop
• May 19-21, 2005Analytic Number Theory Conference
• May 24-27, 2005Quatrième Colloque francophone sur les sondages

CRM-ISM Colloquium
