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Events at the CRM

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Scientific activities


Calendar of scientific activities

• July 11-22, 2005SMS-NATO ASI 2005 Summer school: Equidistribution in Number Theory
• Sept. 12-16, 2005Workshop on p-adic Representations
• Dec. 12-16, 2005Workshop on Intersection of Arithmetic Cycles and Automorphic Forms
• Feb. 13-17, 2006Workshop on L-functions and Related Themes
• Feb. 13-17, 2006Andre-Aisenstadt Chair : K. Soundararajan
• Mar. 13-17, 2006Workshop on Anatomy of Integers
• Mar. 30 - Apr. 5, 2006CRM-Clay School on Additive Combinatorics
• Mar. 30 - Apr. 12, 2006Andre-Aisenstadt Chair : Terence Tao
• Apr. 6-12, 2006Workshop on Additive Combinatorics
• Apr. 15 - May 15, 2006Andre-Aisenstadt Chair : Manjul Bhargava
• May 13-18, 2006Workshop on Analytic Methods for Diophantine Equations

Grandes conférences du CRM

• Mar. 29, 2006“Quand la réalité déjoue l'intuition” Grande conférence CRM de Jean-Marie De Koninck
• May 4, 2006“Le meilleur des mondes possibles” Grande conférence CRM de Ivar Ekeland

Lectures by Prize Winners

• Oct. 21, 2005“Explicit formulas for Mahler's measure” by David Boyd CRM-Fields Prize 2005 Winner
• Dec. 14, 2005“Contributions to Statistical Analysis in Finite Mixture Models” by Jiahua Chen, 2005 CRM-SSC Prize Winner
• Apr. 28, 2006“Schrödinger flow near harmonic maps” by Tai-Peng Tsai André-Aisenstadt Prize 2006 Winner
• Apr. 28, 2006“Spectral asymptotics on Riemannian manifolds” by Iosif Polterovich 2006 André-Aisenstadt Prize Winner

Multidisciplinary and Industrial Program

• Aug. 7-12, 2005Highdimensional Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering
• Oct. 17-18, 2005Workshop on mathematics in brain imaging and their applications to cognitive and clinical neurosciences
• Oct. 19-22, 2005Therapeutic Efficacy in Population Veterinary Medicine: Feeding Behaviour, Antimicrobial Resistance, Food Safety and Environment
• May 15, 2006Workshop “Drug intake behavior and pharmaceutical practice: Data acquisition and modeling”

Short Thematic Program

• June 20 - July 8, 2005Short Program on Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems

National Program on Complex Data Structures (activities at the CRM)

• May 23-27, 2006NPCDS/MITACS Spring School on Statistical and Machine Learning: Topics at the Interface

General Program at CRM and external activities supported by CRM

• June 19 - July 1, 2005AMQ Math Camp 2005
• June 27 - July 1, 2005"Probability and Mathematical Physics", conference celebrating 65th birthday of Stanislav Molchanov
• July 3-9, 2005CMS Math Camps and IMO Training Seminar 2005
• July 11-16, 2005Strings05
• July 13-17, 2005Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference 2005
• Aug. 10-12, 2005Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry 2005
• Sept. 13-17, 20055th International Conference on Words
• Oct. 14-16, 2005Colloque ISM “Sur la route” 2005
• Oct. 15-16, 2005International Workshop on Applied Dynamical Systems - Mechanics, Turbulence, Knots, Cockroaches, and Chaos
• Nov. 18-20, 2005Homotopy Theory conference in honor of Joe Neisendorfer’s 60st birthday
• Apr. 25 - May 25, 2006Mini course on the interval in graph theory
• May 15-17, 2006Workshop on Probabilistic Symmetries and Their Applications
• May 15-19, 2006Colloquium on Potential Theory - 74e congrès de l’Acfas
• May 23-25, 2006ISM Québec-Wide Graduate Student 2006 Conference


• July 11-22, 2005SMS-NATO ASI 2005 Summer school: Equidistribution in Number Theory
• Aug. 1-5, 2005The Fifth Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information
• Mar. 30 - Apr. 5, 2006CRM-Clay School on Additive Combinatorics
• May 23-27, 2006NPCDS/MITACS Spring School on Statistical and Machine Learning: Topics at the Interface

CRM Laboratories
• June 20 - July 8, 2005Short Program on Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems
• July 15, 2005Miniworkshop on computational aspects of dynamical systems
• Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2005CIRGET-CRM Workshop on Khovanov Homology
• Oct. 15-16, 2005International Workshop on Applied Dynamical Systems - Mechanics, Turbulence, Knots, Cockroaches, and Chaos
• Oct. 17-18, 2005Workshop on mathematics in brain imaging and their applications to cognitive and clinical neurosciences
• Nov. 1-3, 2005Gathering on Stark's conjectures
• Nov. 4-6, 2005Workshop on Survival Analysis
• Nov. 18-20, 2005Homotopy Theory conference in honor of Joe Neisendorfer’s 60st birthday
• Feb. 25-26, 2006The Third Montreal Scientific Computing Days
• May 1, 2006Analysis Day, 2006
• May 1-5, 2006Capture 2006: A Scientific Meeting and a Workshop on Capture-Recapture Models
• May 11-12, 2006Current Issues in functional imaging with optical devices
• May 15-19, 2006Colloquium on Potential Theory - 74e congrès de l’Acfas
• May 23, 2006Workshop between specialists of Brain and Spine Imaging and mathematicians interested in the questions arising from imaging
• May 23-27, 2006NPCDS/MITACS Spring School on Statistical and Machine Learning: Topics at the Interface

CRM-ISM Colloquium
