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Events at the CRM

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Scientific activities


Calendar of scientific activities

• June 12-14, 2006Workshop on Approximation algorithms
• June 19-30, 2006SMS-NATO Summer School Advanced Study Institute 2006 Combinatorial Optimization: Methods and Applications
• July 24-27, 20066th Annual MOPTA Conference
• Aug. 14-16, 2006Workshop on Network design: Optimization and Algorithmic Game Theory
• Sept. 11-15, 2006Andre-Aisenstadt Chair : Noga Alon
• Sept. 18-22, 2006Workshop on Hybrid Methods and Branching Rules in Combinatorial Optimization
• Oct. 10-13, 2006Workshop on Data Mining and Mathematical Programming
• Oct. 17-20, 2006Workshop on Polyhedral Computation
• Dec. 11-15, 2006Andre-Aisenstadt Chair : Paul Seymour

• Jan. 19-21, 2007Mini-workshop: Algebraic Combinatorics meets Inverse Systems
• Feb. 12-16, 2007School: Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorics
• Feb. 19-23, 2007Workshop: Combinatorial Problems Raised by Statistical Mechanics
• Mar. 5-9, 2007School: Combinatorics on Words
• Mar. 12-16, 2007Workshop: Recent Progress in Combinatorics on Words
• Mar. 21-31, 2007Andre-Aisenstadt Chair : Richard Stanley
• Apr. 30 - May 4, 2007School: Macdonald Polynomials and Hopf Algebras
• May 7-11, 2007Workshop: Combinatorial Hopf Algebras and Macdonald Polynomials
• May 21-25, 2007School: Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics
• May 28 - June 1, 2007Workshop: Interactions between Algebraic Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry
• June 11-22, 2007Workshop: Real, tropical, and complex enumerative geometry

Grandes conférences du CRM

• Nov. 15, 2006“The mathematics of Escher's Print Gallery” Grande conférence CRM de Bart de Smit
• Mar. 22, 2007“Les limites logiques et mathématiques” Grande conférence CRM de Jean-Paul Delahaye
• May 3, 2007«Euler : la vie, l’univers et l’optimisation» Grande conférence CRM de Francis Clarke

Lectures by Prize Winners

• June 14, 2006“Shadows On The Wall: Plato's Parable Of The Cave As A Metaphor For Integrable Dynamics And Spectral Statistics” by John Harnad, Winner of CAP/CRM Prize
• Nov. 22, 2006“High dimensional convex bodies: phenomena, intuitions and results” lecture by Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann, 2006 CRM-Fields-Pims Prize Recipient
• Jan. 12, 2007Lecture by Jeff Rosenthal, 2006 CRM-SSC Prize Recipient
• Apr. 5, 2007“Astonishing Cellular Automata” Lecture by Alexander Holroyd, 2007 André-Aisenstadt Prize Winner
• Apr. 5, 2007“Toric Varieties and Quivers” Lecture by Gregory G. Smith, 2007 André-Aisenstadt Prize Winner

Multidisciplinary and Industrial Program

• July 16-21, 2006XXIIIrd International Biometrics Conference
• Aug. 10-12, 200641st Actuarial Research Conference
• Sept. 24-26, 20064th RECOMB Comparative Genomics Satellite Workshop
• Sept. 29-30, 2006NBER/NSF Time Series Conference 2006
• Jan. 26, 2007“Thoughts About Integer Programming” Grande conférence DIRO-CRM-rcm2 de Ralph E. Gomory

Short Thematic Program

• July 3-14, 2006Mini-courses and Conference on Geometric Group Theory

National Program on Complex Data Structures (activities at the CRM)

General Program at CRM and external activities supported by CRM

• June 12-15, 2006Conference on 3-manifold Topology in Honour of Peter Shalen’s 60th Birthday
• June 16-17, 2006Conference on Combinatorial Optimization in Honour of Vašek Chvátal’s 60th Birthday
• July 17-21, 2006Workshop on Singularities in PDE and the Calculus of Variations
• Sept. 22-24, 2006Gilles Fournier Memorial Conference on Classical and Computational Topological Methods
• Oct. 20-22, 200650e Congrès de l’AMQ
• Feb. 19-23, 2007X International Workshop on Differential Equations, Number Theory, Data Analysis Methods and Geometry
• Apr. 27-29, 2007“Groups and symmetries: From the Neolithic Scots to John McKay” Conference honouring the contributions of John McKay
• Apr. 30 - May 4, 2007Workshop: The geometry of holomorphic and algebraic curves in complex algebraic varieties
• May 28-31, 2007CanaDAM 2007 “1st Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference”


• June 19-30, 2006SMS-NATO Summer School Advanced Study Institute 2006 Combinatorial Optimization: Methods and Applications
• Feb. 12-16, 2007School: Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorics
• Mar. 5-9, 2007School: Combinatorics on Words
• Apr. 30 - May 4, 2007School: Macdonald Polynomials and Hopf Algebras
• May 21-25, 2007School: Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics

CRM Laboratories
• June 12-15, 2006Conference on 3-manifold Topology in Honour of Peter Shalen’s 60th Birthday
• July 3-14, 2006Mini-courses and Conference on Geometric Group Theory
• July 7, 2006Mini-workshop on Computational Aspects of Dynamical Systems
• Sept. 8-9, 2006Les journées Pierre Leroux-Colloque en l’honneur de Pierre Leroux
• Sept. 22-24, 2006Gilles Fournier Memorial Conference on Classical and Computational Topological Methods
• Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2006Number theory and related topics
• Nov. 9, 2006Launch of the Transdisciplinary Institute for Quantum Information (INTRIQ)
• Mar. 12-14, 2007Mini-cours sur les modèles GARCH et à volatilité stochastique
• Apr. 16-17, 2007The 4th Montreal Science Computing Days
• May 2, 2007Analysis Day, 2007

CRM-ISM Colloquium
